The jungle animal towel is another gift for a new baby, I’ve been making a few recently.
All the appliqués were made using Scheepjes Maxi Sweet Treat and a 1mm hook. We’ll add links to the appliqués I used in the description below.
I used the vulture appliqué, vultures aren’t my favourite bird but they are useful.
A monkey appliqué, I loved seeing monkeys in a park we occasionally visited when I was a child.
A baby elephant appliqué, my mum wanted her father to get her an elephant to keep on the farm when she was small.
The last appliqué is a zebra appliqué.
My sewing machine was used to stitch the appliqués to the towel using the colour of the towel in the bobbin and the colours of the appliqués for the top thread.
And there’s the finished jungle animal towel. I hope that you’ve enjoyed it. Have a look at some of my other towels including the farm animal towel, the woodland animal towel, the sea towel and the ballerina towel. The train track beanie, park blanket and the farm blanket.
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