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Crochet Frog Pattern (UK Version)

Finished crochet frog group landscape

Welcome to my crochet frog pattern. This is what the finished crochet frog will look like.

There’s also a video tutorial for this pattern available at Crochet Frog Tutorial.


The full pattern is available to view on this page for free. If you would like to download the pattern, it’s available on my Ravelry store at Crochet Frog Pattern or on my LoveCrafts store at Crochet Frog Pattern.

This pattern will be using UK terminology. If you would like to view the US version go to Crochet Frog Pattern (US Version).

Crochet Frog Pattern 


Materials Used


Large frog (Using 8 ply wool)

10cm x 9cm or 4” x 3.5”

Medium frog (Using 4 ply crochet cotton)

6.5cm x 6cm or 2.5” x 2.25”

Small frog (Using 2 ply crochet cotton)

5cm x 6.5cm or 2” x 2.5”


Make a magic loop.

Row 1:  2 ch. Work 15 tr into circle and pull circle tight. Join with a sl st in top of 1st st.

Row 2:  2 ch. 1 tr in same place as ch. Work 2 tr into each st to end of row. Join with a sl st in top of 1st st.

Row 3: 1 ch. Work 1 dc in same place as ch (1 dc in each of next 2 sts and 2 dc in following st) repeat to end of row, sl st in top of 1st st.  Fasten off.


9 ch.

Row 1:  Work 3 tr in 3rd ch from hook, 1 tr in next st, 1 dtr in each of following 3 sts, 1 tr in next st and 6 tr in last st.  Work 1 tr in back of each ch to last ch, 3 tr in last ch, sl st in top of 1st st.

Row 2:  1 ch. 1 htr in same place as ch, 2 htr in next st, 1 tr in each of following 2 sts, 1 dtr in each of next 3 sts, 1 tr in each of following 2 sts, 2 htr in each of next 5 sts, 1 dc in each of following 6 sts, 2 htr in each st to end.  Sl st in top of 1st st.  Fasten off.

Outer Eyes (Make 2)

Using green make a magic loop.

2 ch. Work 15 tr into circle and pull circle tight. Join with a sl st in top of 1st st.  Fasten off.

Middle Eyes (Make 2)

Using white make a magic loop.

1 ch, work 10 htr into circle, pull circle tight and join with a sl st in 1st st.  Fasten off.

Inner Eyes (Make 2)

Using black make a magic loop.

1 ch. work 4 dc into circle and pull circle tight. Join with a sl st in top of 1st st.  Fasten off.

Legs (Make 2)

9 ch.

Row 1:  Work 3 tr in 3rd ch from hook, 1 tr in next st, 1 dtr in each of following 3 sts, 1 tr in next st and 6 tr in last st.  Work 1 tr in back of each ch to last ch, 3 tr in last ch, sl st in top of 1st st.  Fasten off.


Join yarn 3 sts before end centre st of one leg and at centre st for the other leg.

(3 ch, 1 tr in same st as ch, 3 ch, sl st in same st as tr, sl st in next st) repeat 2 times leaving the sl st in next st off last repeat.  Fasten off.

To Make Up

Weave in ends.  Embroider a mouth on head.

Stitch the head to the body about halfway between the 2nd and 3rd rows.

Attach the outer eyes to the top of the head at the back having about half the eye sticking up.

Sew the inner eye to the middle eye.

Stitch the eyes partly over the outer eyes and partly over the head.

Attach the legs to the body.

And there’s the finished crochet frog pattern, I hope that you’ve enjoyed it. If you have I also have a dancing frog, a diving frog and a lily pad that you might like.

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